The word “cannabis” has caused a lot of commotion. It is the Latin genus name for all the forms of marijuana and hemp, as well as products made from these. It is imperative to note that cannabis oil, known as cannabinoid oil or CBD, is not the same as marijuana. Potentially the most notable difference between marijuana and CBD is that CBD doesn’t change a person’s state of mind when using it, while marijuana does. CBD is not a psychoactive product.
Down to the Basics
CBD is naturally occurring and is the most abundant non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis. An interesting fact is that although CBD causes much controversy and many people doubt using it due to its nature, the human body produces cannabinoids and has cannabinoid receptors, which is what is thought to make the benefits of the oil so useful and widespread. CBD isn’t believed to act on the cannabinoid receptors, but instead, influence the body to use more of its own cannabinoids.
The Uses of CBD
Scientifically speaking, CBD is derived from industrial hemp, which is the variety of cannabis known as Cannabis Sativa L. The plant and any part of it, growing or not, cannot have more than a 0.3 percent concentration of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol on a dry weight basis. This is the more scientific difference between CBD and marijuana. CBD does not have a high level of THC while marijuana does. THC is what contributes to the high consumers get with marijuana, while CBD oil provides merely health benefits without the high.
CBD oil is being studied to treat an extensive range of disorders, both physical and mental. Things such as pain from inflammation and anxiety, epilepsy, addiction, substance abuse about opioids, and even things as basic as acne. It is considered a much more natural way to treat these kinds of things. The ability of the oil to be available in different concentrations and used in different ways from supplements that can be ingested to bath bombs also makes it a favorite treatment.
How Legal Is CBD Oil?
As we mentioned earlier, CBD, marijuana, and cannabis are some of the most popular terms tossed around interchangeably, and they cause a lot of confusion. People are struggling to move past the hippie and drug-related stereotype that marijuana often exists under and see the benefits of an oil derived from the same plant species. The legality of CBD varies state to state, and it is usually still considered illegal under federal law. Despite this, it can be found in numerous health food and natural supplement shops as well as other varied retailers. Even in the states that do allow CBD legally to be owned and used, there doesn’t appear to be any legal foundation for users to obtain it. Nothing concerning production or distribution seems to have made it through.
Summing It All Up
CBD oil appears to have an increasing foundation of benefits and use. It continues to gain traction as a positive component in an otherwise stereotyped industry and is continually being researched. Numerous studies and information are being added even daily to help everyone stay informed on what CBD oil is, how it can help, and any potential side effects of its use.
Check out these articles for more info to understand exactly what CBD oil is: CBD Oil Benefits, Side Effects, and More Everything You Need To Know About CBD
Medical News Today: Everything you need to know about CBD oil