CBD Oil In California – Laws, Where To Buy, & More

CBD Oil is legal in California. The state was the first to legalize marijuana in the 90s and it also now legalized recreational marijuana. However, there are plenty of exceptions across the state where there is unclear information on whether CBD-based products can be manufactured and sold. However, CBD oil is sold across the state and new regulation also turns in favor of farmers who will be able their own hemp starting in 2019, due to the Senate Bill 1409.

CBD oil in California – the background story

California is yet again on the spotlight for its CBD products as it comes to give freedom to farmers who want to farm hemp in 2019. They can join a growing industry and they now have the freedom to grow the plant according to their own plans. However, certain boundaries are still in place both for the farmers and for consumers of the final products such as CBD oil.

Of course, agriculture is very important in the state, as recognized by authorities. But the challenges facing farmers are multiple. They even include water shortages which need to be solved in order to grow the best hemp.

In these conditions, CBD products derived from hemp should abide by the 0.3% THC maximum level which is required by regulation. But California’s Department of Public Health issued a statement in which it practically said there is no reason to consume hemp-derived products either as food or supplements until the FDA makes clear boundaries on these products. Of course, there are multiple organizations and hemp advocates who are taking action in what is believed to be a wrong interpretation of the federal law.

There is a letter addressed to the Governor which has a clear plan for CBD products. It is actually inspired by how hemp is treated in Colorado. For this purpose, California is urged to treat hemp just as any other food and CBD as just any other supplement. Current elections in California are also expected to see further clarifications on the issue with a new Farm Bill being passed.

Of course, things might still be gray in California. Until now, the recent year has shown that the state is ready to take on federal regulation when it comes to marijuana. But at the same time, there has been a certain hold of position when it comes to hemp. This comes in the contest in which 40 out of the 50 states have taken a clear stance in defining hemp as different from cannabis. Action still awaits in this area for Californians.

Medical marijuana status in California

So what is the reaction of these hiccups at the highest level? First of all, many people might be unsure whether to actually consume the products themselves. But at the same time, people might be frustrated when it comes to the products on offer as well. CBD oil and CBD edibles manufacturers in California are angry, it goes without saying. They feel the legislation is actually lacking and the interpretation of federal laws to be wrongful as well. Interestingly, these manufacturers also pointed out that people might actually be looking into a cheaper alternative to getting into cannabis for medical purposes. At the same time, these growers also quote California’s Health and Safety Code 11018.05 which recognizes and includes all CBD molecules derived from hemp or marijuana.

CBD legal status in California

Of course, actually enforcing some type of measures on businesses might be tougher than expected. For this purpose, the exceptions are few and far in between. However, they have been seen live in action with a state coffee shop which began offering CBD drinks in their premises. Coffee Dose in Costa Mesa was seeing the business growth the owners were happy about. But this was only a short spell as a complaint was made to the Health Department in Orange County which saw the business retracting the coffee with CBD. Business dropped considerably. But as pointed out in this case, the state doesn’t actually actively enforce businesses not to sell the product as it actually works on a complaint basis, which was the case for the Coffee Dose as well.

So what can the final CBD user do in this conflicting situation? Until things become clear in California, it is also the time for consumers to only consider CBD products from authorized retailers. This ensures their products are actually containing the low amounts of THC which the legislation states. At the same time, these retailers are also required to purchased their CBD oil and CBD products such as edibles from authorized manufacturers, which significantly reduces many risks associated with these products.

Where to buy CBD oil in California?

If you’re in Los Angeles, The Vape Shop on 125 N. Avenue in Koreatown is a top destination. Carrying a large variety of hemp-derived products, the shop is recognized for its impressive customer support. Since it gets busy at peak hours, customers are advised to allow extra time to find a free parking spot.

LA Cloud Supply at 1956 Pico Boulevard is another top destination in Los Angeles. The simple design of the store might make it easier for new customers to get into CBD oil products. With various discounts and coupons, the store is highly recommended by its customers.

The Endless Vapors in Lancaster on 818 W. Avenue is also recommended for Californians. With a large variety of products and knowledgeable staff, the place is highly recommended by its customers.

Final thoughts on CBD oil in California

The regulation in place both at federal and at state level seem clear but its interpretation doesn’t make Californians too happy at the moment. For consumers and those who want to use CBD oil for health reasons, the best solution is to simply abide by the authorized retailers in the state. Things are only going to improve in 2019 when farmers also get their own freedoms to grow quality hemp, similarly to what is currently seen in the state of Colorado.